Functions & Powers Of The Commission

1. The Commission shall perform all or any of the following functions, namely:

  1. Examine and review the safeguards provided by or under any law for the time being in force for the protection of child rights and recommend measures for their effective implementation.
  2. Present to the Central Government, annually and at such other intervals, as the Commission may deem fit, reports upon the working of those safeguards.
  3. Inquire into violation of child rights and to recommend initiation of proceedings in such cases.
  4. Examine all factors that inhibit the enjoyment of rights of children affected by terrorism, communal violence, riots, natural disaster, domestic violence, HIV/AIDS, trafficking, maltreatment, torture and exploitation, pornography and prostitution and recommend appropriate remedial measures.
  5. Look into the matters relating to children in need of special care and protection including children in distress, marginalized and disadvantaged children, children in conflict with law, children without family and children of prisoners and recommend appropriate remedial measures.
  6. Study treaties and other international instruments and undertake periodical review of existing policies, programmes and other activities on child rights and make recommendations for their effective implementation in the best interest of children.
  7. Undertake and promote research in the field of child rights.
  8. Spread child rights literacy among various sections of the society and promote awareness of the safeguards available for protection of these rights through publications, the media, seminars and other available means.
  9. Inspect or cause to be inspected any juvenile custodial home, or any other place of residence or institution meant for children, under the control of the Central Government or any State Government or any other authority, including any institution run by a social organisation; where children are detained or lodged for the purpose of treatment, reformation or protection and take up with these authorities for remedial action, if found necessary.
  10. Inquire into complaints and take suo motu notice of matters related to
    • • deprivation and violation of child rights;
    • • non-implementation of laws providing for protection and development of children;
    • • non-compliance of policy decisions, guidelines or instructions aimed at mitigating hardships to and ensuring welfare of the children and to provide relief to such children,   or take up the issues arising out of such matters with appropriate authorities; and
    • • such other functions as it may consider necessary for the promotion of child rights and any other matter incidental to the above function.


2. The Commission shall not inquire into any matter which is pending before a State Commission or any other Commission duly constituted under any law for the time being in force.


Powers relating to inquiries

1. The Commission shall, while inquiring into any matter referred to in clause (j) of sub-section (1) of section 13 have all the powers of a civil court trying a suit under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908) and, in particular, in respect of the following matters, namely:

  • a. summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and examining him on oath;
  • b. discovery and production of any document;
  • c. receiving evidence on affidavits;
  • d. requisitioning any public record or copy thereof from any court or office; and
  • e. issuing commissions for the examination of witnesses or documents.

2. The Commission shall have the power to forward any case to a Magistrate having jurisdiction to try the same and the Magistrate to whom any such case is forwarded shall proceed to hear the complaint against the accused as if the case has been forwarded to him under section 346 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974).


Steps after inquiry:

The Commission may take any of the following steps upon the completion of an inquiry held under this Act, namely:
  • 1. where the inquiry discloses, the Commission of violation of child rights of a serious nature or contravention of provisions of any law for the time being in force, it may     recommend to the concerned Government or authority the initiation of proceedings for prosecution or such other action as the Commission may deem fit against the     concerned person or persons;
  • 2. approach the Supreme Court or the High Court concerned for such directions, orders or writs as that Court may seem necessary;
  • 3. recommend to the concerned Government or authority for the grant of such interim relief to the victim or the members of his family as the Commission may consider     necessary.
  • Under section 36(1) of Commission for Protection of Child Rights Act, 2005, State Government is empowered to make rule under the act. The rules for Assam State Commission for Protection of Child Rights has not come into force yet.

Grounds on which complaint may be lodged

• Child labour • Child abuse • Child marriage • Children in need of Care and Protection • Child Trafficking • Violation of Right to Education • Corporal Punishment •
• Death of Child due to Torture and/or negligence • Violation of Legal Rights of differently abled Children •